Robotic stations

The ARA Group offers a wide range of robotic stations. The proposed technologies enable, among others:

  • palletizing and depalletizing products
  • palletizing mix of different unit packages on one pallet,
  • segregation and sorting.

Grippers are used in solutions designed by ARA specialists:

  • mechanical, 
  •  vacuum, 
  • hybrid.

The company also performs positions dealing with:

  • machines, e.g. press brakes,
  •  metal cutting and machining stations.

Employees approach each project individually. The stands are adapted to the requirements, available space, as well as the conditions in the plant. Robots of proven manufacturers such as Kawasaki, Kuka, ABB, Festo, and Epson are used in the implementations.

What makes us different from the competition?

In addition to documentation and certificates, the client receives access to the remote programming care emergency number, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as application source codes, thanks to which he becomes an independent and full owner of the position.


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Elbląg 82-300, ul. Antoniego Czuchnowskiego 6
tel centr. +48 55 307 09 00

Have you got any questions? Write to us!

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